2600 A.D.

Moving-image, Illustration, Publication, 2021

The project draws on Sci-fi narrative writing and uses comics as a narrative medium to conceive of an anti-utopian world of natural isolation and technological control. Due to the continued flow of deadly viruses in the future society, "pure" oxygen and oxygen-producing plants become natural sources of energy that the government/capital corporations compete to control. Nature is gradually isolated from the daily life of humans and replaced by the illusion of nature created by technology. The world of the story created by this project is both fantasy and reality. It is inspired by an ethnopolitical reflection on the idea of 'natural resourceisation' in a post-epidemic context.

This project used these experiences to spark new visions and alternative realities: a dreamlike Sci-fi journey that takes us from despair to faith, from freedom to bondage, from the real to the almost unimaginable.


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